Thomas Lopez-Pierre |
About Thomas Lopez-Pierre
Thomas Lopez-Pierre: a man of the people and a sinner, saved by God's grace.
Thomas Lopez-Pierre is a 44 year old man of Puerto Rican, Dominican and Haitian descent.
Thomas Lopez-Pierre and his ex-wife share a set of twin girls and a seven (7) year old son (2nd grade public school student).
Thomas Lopez-Pierre serves as the Chairperson of the Frederick Douglass Democratic Club (douglassdemocraticclub.org).
Thomas Lopez-Pierre serves as the Chairperson of the Harlem Buy Black Campaign Fund, Inc. (harlembuyblackcampaignfund.org)
Thomas Lopez-Pierre serves as the Chairperson of the Harlem Public Housing Scholarship Fund, Inc. (hphsf.org).
Thomas Lopez-Pierre is a Licensed Real Estate Broker with Lopez-Pierre Realty, LLC in Harlem (liveuptown.com).
Thomas Lopez-Pierre serves as the Managing Member of the Harlem Small Business Fund, LLC. (harlemsmallbusinessfund.com).
Thomas Lopez-Pierre attended John Jay College/CUNY.
Thomas Lopez-Pierre graduated from Westside High School (located next to Frederick Douglas Houses in Manhattan Valley).
Thomas Lopez-Pierre lives in a rent regulated apartment in Manhattan Valley.
Thomas Lopez-Pierre is a member of the Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem.
SOCRATES once said that the more he learned, the more he became convinced of his own ignorance.